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January: mid-winter

It’s looking pale out there. The sky in particular. What guy? Hah! I’ve moved the main feeder along a bit. The magpies were cautious but the crows just cracked on. Greyfeather hasn’t been yet. Well, I don’t think he has – I’ve yet to see him. I don’t think the sky will be clear enough to check out the moon this evening.

Very little going on with the ground. I’ll see a few clients next week. I’ve got a few ‘hard’ projects that need some attention. Both involve the replacing of some sleepers. Pretty straight-forward. I’ve got two design jobs on the go as well. I’m approaching them slightly differently. Literally – I’m approaching them both from a different angle. Well, angles. Three dimensions and a a free-roaming viewpoint ‘camera’. Both have got such challenging geometry – I couldn’t resist constructing scale models of each. Here’s one of them (in progress).

Quite good fun really. It’s great to be able to get shadows accurate. All initial surveying was done just before Christmas.

Perfect project for mid-winter. Once all the geometry is done i can start adding plants. This will be equally challenging due to the geometry. But hey – I love it.

Soon – Wisteria pruning.

